Submit An Articles Rules:
If anyone interested in helping us and post article, Read the following rules carefully:
1. Search well before you submit
2. all posts should have a screenshot / thumbnail
3. uploaded to external image hosting, But We will upload it in picasa google
4. don't link to original image at the Blog.
5. all posts should be in suitable category.
• don't copy / paste from other sites / Blog
• don't advertise your site or another sites in your posts & files
• don't Submit adult articles!
• don't Submit old and not wanted stuff
• don't hotlink images from non image hosting sites
• don't submit free stuff but if it is very new and most popular
• don't Submit if you can't follow the rules! or you will be igonored from posting!
Note: This text is subject to change at any time.
If anyone interested in helping us and post article, Read the following rules carefully:
1. Search well before you submit
2. all posts should have a screenshot / thumbnail
3. uploaded to external image hosting, But We will upload it in picasa google
4. don't link to original image at the Blog.
5. all posts should be in suitable category.
• don't copy / paste from other sites / Blog
• don't advertise your site or another sites in your posts & files
• don't Submit adult articles!
• don't Submit old and not wanted stuff
• don't hotlink images from non image hosting sites
• don't submit free stuff but if it is very new and most popular
• don't Submit if you can't follow the rules! or you will be igonored from posting!
Note: This text is subject to change at any time.