The Mind Box : Burt Goldman
Eng | MP3 | 23 CDs | Size: 709 MB
Eng | MP3 | 23 CDs | Size: 709 MB
This 23 cd set provides a variety of tools from Burt Goldman The American Monk to help in all areas of life. Controlling your emotions, luck, depression, aging and much more are covered. Pdfs of the booklet and various videos are included.Mastery Module 1: Secrets to Meditation
I will show you how to lay the foundation for a breakthrough life even before the first moment you close your eyes to meditate... You will learn a few simple yet powerful techniques that will take away years of tedium...
* The single most important technique you will ever need to effortlessly meditate like the masters. It contains just 5 words, and they will forever revolutionize the way you control your mind and emotions.
* If you are stressed, tired or overwhelmed with all kinds of negative emotions, by learning a few easy phrases, you will be set free of them_PERMANENTLY!
* Why telling the difference between Attitude Stress and Ego Stress is the key to overcoming all manner of distress.
* Stress and relaxation are actually the same thing, they only differ in degrees. Possess this mindset, and you will rapidly learn how to increase relaxation while totally eliminating stress.
* PLUS: The Daisy Pond: This simple formula is the quickest and most natural way to achieve Alpha Level. It’s so effective that some of my students have called it a "magic spell"!
* PLUS: How to use the Polarity Technique to destroy things that bother you. It is easier than you think to live free from the things that used to MASSIVELY bug you.
* PLUS: What you learn about meditation from the rest are wrong! It is just a concentration of attention, and why this startling fact can potentially transform the way you live.
* And much, much more...
Mastery Module 2: Secrets to Habit Control
Ever have trouble kicking a habit... humiliated by some good_intentioned but hurtful relatives... or been given futile advice left, right, and center?
* Here is how you can use my patented Thought Stopping technique to banish the nasty habit of overeating. And yes, it works for all other kinds of compulsions and addictions too!
* The secret to habit control that many hypnotherapist throughout my lifetime RUSH to my seminars for. Good news, it is also now revealed to you!
* S.T.E.A: Why this acronym breaks the code to stop a bad habit even before it forms.
* If you have got a little resolve_and can mix it with my metaphor technique_then you have got what it takes to overcome and subdue the 800 pound gorilla which are your addictions!
* PLUS: How to instantly reprogram your brain like a VCR and quickly banish horrifying habits like smoking, over-eating, addictions and more.
* PLUS: How to use the astonishing Power Shout to break all kinds of habit cycles.
* PLUS: Discover the sages method of cutting thoughts off before they have a negative effect.
* And much, much more...
Mastery Module 3: Secrets to Self Esteem & Confidence
Dine on the tables of kings. Switch the beggars rags your confidence wears and change into royal robes in just one swoop.
* Behold the Polarity Switch. How to turn mountains into molehills and giants into ants! It is the single most vital secret to turbo_charging your self_esteem.
* You vs. You. How my Self_competition technique can quickly turn zeros into heros, all in under 4 minutes of focus!
* Discover the number one method of quickly boosting ego and self esteem.
* PLUS: Easily fend off negative attacks from bullies or authoritarian figures.. Live your life_YOUR way.
* PLUS: Master this startling technique and start walking with poise and confidence.
* And much, much more...